Next-GenNarrative (NGN pron. engine)
Creative Leadership Think Tank
With Design’s maturing and today’s universal use, there is need to update and overhaul the design process in alignment with current and ongoing new developments. A new awareness and a new set of values are needed if it is to rise to the challenges of the 21st century.
​Acting as the GloW-DESIGN creative brain-trust, the Next-GenNarrative (NGN – pron. engine) Think-Tank is a seedbed and a hotbed of provocative, disruptive, 'out of the box' thinking. GloW-DESIGN’s NGN Think-Tank gathers the most respected and innovative practitioners from around the world to distill the "big issues" to their essence and propose new design solutions. In a re-invention of existing cultural narratives, the context must always be to ask not simply how to solve problems of such issues as climate change, environmental degradation, food/water shortages, displaced populations, responsibly imagining future living, strategic solutions for growth, and many, many more, but how design must change to solve them.

Design is for Social Good.

GloW-DESIGN NGN (pron. engine) Think-Tank consists of a next-gen creative group of internationally influential smart thinkers, who are brought together to match the 'Big Idea’ to practical reality.
Outside this core group, a larger assembly of creative leaders and collaborators from across the world are brought together to discuss, deliberate and explore new possibilities while sharing knowledge and insights.
This NGN Think-Tank's global reputation, carries weight at the highest level of international creative leadership and is a regular consultative resource to institutions and governments.
The cerebration and conceptualization, 'blue sky' process of this GloW-DESIGN NGN Think-Tank leads directly to the 'final' module of GloW-DESIGN, CoDesign experimentation, installation and prototyping - where through inter/intra-disciplinary, collaborative means, ideas are manifest for experience and public critique. Initiated through think-tank workshops – often with emerging design talent and students - here the ideas are made real and given a thorough road test.